Wednesday, August 23, 2023 (17:00 - 18:30) GMT+8
Ethical decision-making in this profession is challenging at its best; and downright difficult at its worst โ for the simple yet profound reason that ethics is the only non-negotiable dynamic in this co-created space.
We cannot ignore ethics as professional coaches - where we stand on the matter not only defines who we are individually, but who we are as a society. For the truth remains that our society might fall into chaos if we accept that each of us could pick and choose what the 'right' thing to do is. As Albert Einstein said, "relativity applies to physics, not ethics."
We invite you to take part in our next 'Ethics and Coaching' quarterly meet. Join in on our roundtable discussions as we set best-practice standards in coaching around ethical terms and behavioural norms that everyone in coaching, mentoring and supervision should follow
Feel free to bring your own ethical dilemmas to be discussed at the event! You are welcome to download your copy of EMCC Global Code oF Ethics in your language here:
Guest Speaker:
It's a great pleasure to invite one of our very own leading names to lead this quarterly meet - EMCC VP of Social Responsibility Initiatives, Ivan Yong Wei Kit.
Ivan is a contributing author in the highly relevant ethics in coaching book The Ethical Coaches' Handbook: A Guide to Developing Ethical Maturity in Practice. In his chapter, 'Ethics and Culture in Coaching โ Moving Beyond a Universal Western Ethical Code', Ivan talks about different ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving from the specific viewpoint of Confucian practices based in China.
He also discusses role expectations of a coach and a client in relation to the Chinese social system and how coaches and clients can make the co-created reality using Confucian principles of Benevolence, Righteousness and Propriety. This will be followed by a brief case vignette from his chapter โ A Clash of Expectation.
Guest Speaker
Programme Facilitator