Wednesday, February 28, 2024 (17:00 - 18:00) GMT+8
"Relativity applies to physics, not ethics." - Albert Einstein
EMCC APAC ethics meetings on one Wednesday every month.
First meeting: February 28, 2024 at 5 pm SGT.
Current book:Ethics: The Fundamentals by Julia Driver, Blackwell publishing
Other reading materials:EMCC Global Code of Ethics
Group size: Maximum 8. Open group. Feel free to drop by.
We will read Ethics the Fundamentals by Julia Driver, Professor of Philosophy at Dartmouth College.
The book is a beginners introduction to core ideas in Western forms of ethics and introduces arguments in moral theories such as virtue ethics, social contract theory, intuitionism, feminine ethics etc and correlate the discussions of Western key moral philosophers to EMCC Global Code of Conduct.
The study is based on self directed learning principles where learning activities are not directed by one or another social authority and all pedagogical 'procedures' are performed by the learner. We meet once every month to exchange ideas and reflect on the learnings.
Register for free to save your spot as this book study group is capped to a maximum of 8 participants. You will receive a Zoom link and a reminder email to your inbox 24 hours before the session.