This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other EMCC Asia Pacific Region events.


Thursday, August 31, 2023 (17:00 - 18:00) GMT+10


EMCC Asia Pacific Region

Contact Organizer
+91 9810066773

Event Details

About the Session:

The monthly Gathering event is held on every last Thursday of the month, and is one of the main activities organised for EMCC mentors/coaches/investors with the purpose of sustainably developing members' competencies. We invite seasoned experts in the field of mentoring and coaching to share their knowledge on a wealth of topics.

This month, with the topic "The differences between coaching/mentoring in general and coaching/mentoring for startups" and the participation of Mr. Errol Kruger, we expect to deliver to the participants key differences between Coaching/Mentoring for startups and in general, the scope of such methods and the skills/experiences required for mentors/coaches who work in this field.

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Tim Dyke - Global Accreditation Manager EMCC
  • MSc. Jen VuHuong - Author, EMCC Senior Practitioner Coach

Please register via this form:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 841 0530 1905

Passcode: 2023isus
