Event Details

2020 was full of change and challenges, but it was also full of new solutions to help you build resilience and lead with confidence.

While further change is inevitable, the question becomes: how can you adapt not only to survive the change but to truly thrive through change and help our clients do the same?

When faced with challenges out of your control, it is easy to feel powerless.

In this webinar, Charlotte Nicholson will guide you in taking your power back through a tried-and-tested approach called Energy Leadership developed by Bruce D. Schneider.

What is Energy Leadership?

Energy leadership looks at the energy of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and how that energy influences how we show up to the world as well as our health, happiness, productivity, and relationships.

The theory examines seven different energy levels as well as the concepts of anabolic and catabolic energy. The seven levels range from nearly 100% catabolic (draining and distracting) energy to 100% anabolic (uplifting, sustainable results) energy.

We will explore the seven levels and how the experience of each level affects our confidence and ability to lead, live, and enjoy our lives.

Energy leadership empowers individuals by allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of their perceptions, attitudes, behaviours, and overall life-leadership capabilities. It provides a baseline understanding of your current mindset and level of engagement in life. It helps you see where you are stuck and the beliefs that are truly blocking you from the success and satisfaction that you desire in life.

Energy Leadership empowers clients to:

  • Create a clear path to accomplish your goals while reducing stress in the process
  • Recognize the obstacles they face and find a path forward to overcoming them
  • Make rational and confident decisions, even in the face of uncertainty
  • Shift their thoughts, feelings, and actions to reach their desired results faster

In this webinar series you will learn:

  • What Energy Leadership means and how it works
  • The seven key principles of energy leadership - proven to increase satisfaction in 14 different key areas of your life such as relationships, time management, and work-life balance
  • How to apply energy leadership to coaching clients as well as our personal and professional lives.


  • Charlotte Nicholson (Founder of Nicholson Coaching)

    Charlotte Nicholson

    Founder of Nicholson Coaching


    Charlotte is an international speaker and core energy coach helping people optimize their lives, so they spend less time feeling powerless in times of change and more time feeling empowered to achieve it all.

    Charlotte works with executive expats and thier families in navigating the challenges and opportunities of living abroad and partners with global companies to teach teams how to lead through uncertainty.
    With 23 years living abroad in 7 different countries, multiple coaching certifications, and countless client-facing roles around the world, Charlotte uses the breadth of her experience to help other self-starters thrive during transitions and find their freedom.

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